Notable Montessorians reflect on the work of Dr. Montessori and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Learning about Dr. Maria Montessori and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that everyday people can do extraordinary things. Dr. Maria Montessori’s method was a direct result of her advocacy– seeing that children did not have equitable access to education and creating a solution. While Dr. Montessori believed that education could create lasting peace, it’s important to look toward Dr. King and other activists in the work that has continued toward social justice. Lasting peace will only be achieved through social justice, equity, and advocacy work.” Nikki Conyers, Montessori on Wheels
“As we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, we understand the dreams he shared with Dr. Montessori. Both believed that all children deserve an education that develops empathy, compassion, and strength of character that comes with moral values. The opportunities afforded by a truly equitable education could, they believed, change the world. Dr. King taught the importance of inclusive learning experiences in guiding an understanding that accepts diversity of all kinds.
“Dr. Montessori shared, ‘…if we truly want to achieve equality and harmony among human
beings, we must not neglect the time in life when the social, idealistic and linguistic differences
which separate groups do not yet exist.’
“Let’s celebrate these visionaries by renewing our commitment to guiding our children to respect
and honor all differences and empower children in bringing peace for all.” Christine Lowry, M.Ed. M.A.
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