Teach with Spirit, A New Awareness
Wednesday, April 21 and Wednesday, April 28
7-8:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Dr. Janice Fletcher
About this Webinar:
You will explore your definition of “Spirit” and how your connection to “the teacher within” prepares you for your work as a teacher. You will personally connect to Spirit more deeply and consistently. Insights, Aha!s, epiphanies, creativity and genius become more frequent as wisdom, truth and guidance flow from the right brain with the help of a stronger superhighway between the left and right brain via the callus callosum. The six-step process of how Aha!s are attained will be integrated into your experience, changing your life not only in the arena of your teaching, but with a holistic process incorporated into every aspect of life. The six-step process will then be integrated into your classroom as you observe your students experiencing Aha!s, changing not only their learning capabilities, but infusing the experience into their being for positive change in their lives.
Book Offer:
Teach with Spirit, the teacher’s inward journey guide by Janice Fletcher Ed.D. is an additional resource and can be bought on janicefletcher.com, click on Read Me
About Dr. Janice Fletcher:
Dr. Janice Fletcher’s vast educational experience spans over 40 years. She’s attained 4 advanced degrees and served in roles from teacher to teacher of teachers, principal to National Distinguished Principal for Georgia, assistant to the superintendent to leadership training for superintendents. Public education was her home for twenty-four years, then non-profits, charter schools, and an international consulting practice. She diversified her perspectives with the creation of two books, one used as a workbook for Teaching with Spirit.
Dr. Fletcher has intertwined her spiritual quest with her educational knowledge and experience by transitioning us to conscious learning, awakening potential genius and creating optimal learning for all with Optimal Wisdom Learning (OWL) She integrates her educational experience with her spiritual passion, bringing a unique process which results in consistent AHA!/OWL moments. It is her passion to support our transformation to conscious awareness, intentional expectation and acceptance of our genius. Want to learn more? Janicefletcher.com
General: $85 for both sessions
CGMS Learners and Grads: $65 for both sessions
Group pricing is available
La Independecia, la Disciplina, la Lección de Tres Períodos
April 27 (7:00 – 8:30pm EST) Gratis
El niño desde su nacimiento busca su independencia siguiendo sus tendencias ocultas y latentes. Al llegar a la Casa de Niños, esta independencia se fortalece dándole la oportunidad de ordenar su personalidad encaminando de modo indirecto la disciplina al ofrecerle trabajo significativo. La Dra. Montessori nos dice que la disciplina se alcanza aplicando rigurosamente el método.
En éste seminario virtual hablaremos de los pasos a seguir con la Lección de Tres Períodos para llegar a la disciplina del niño dentro de un aula Montessori de Casa de Niños.
Gratis. Registrarse aquí.
Set Up, Organize and Re-Vamp Your Montessori Elementary Science Curriculum
Tuesday, May 4
7-8:30 PM
Presenter: Jackie Grundberg
About this Webinar:
A prepared Montessori environment provides endless opportunities to explore science. When children use their senses, interests, and natural curiosity, the sky is the limit! Perfect, right? Well…sometimes that limitless opportunity can be overwhelming and confusing. You might ask yourself, “Where do I start?” “There’s just too much to cover,” or “What if I am less confident in teaching elementary-level science?”
Join me to discuss how to organize a Montessori 3-year curriculum cycle in science to make sure you’re including cross-curricular, hands-on, inquiry-based activities. You’ll leave with a plan, and most importantly, feeling confident that you can teach elementary science regardless of your current knowledge in science.
About Jackie Grundberg:
Jackie Grundberg holds a Montessori EL I-II AMS credential with 11 years of Montessori classroom experience and 23 years in the education field. She earned her Bachelor’s in Environmental Biology from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Masters of Ed in Instructional Technology. Her teaching credentials from Washington and Maryland are at the secondary biology and middle level. Since 2018, she has worked with CGMS as an Instructional Guide, Field Consultant, and Practicum Advisor.
Prior to her teaching career, she worked as a wildlife biologist in Colorado, New York, Cameroon, and Kenya. She is the creator of Backpack Sciences©, a monthly Montessori science curriculum membership to help elementary educators implement ready-to-go, hands-on, inquiry-based science lessons. Backpack Sciences© combine her experience as a wildlife biologist, Montessori classroom teacher, and teacher educator all in one place.
General: $65 for one session
CGMS learners and grads: $45 for one session
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