Job Opening for 2023-2024
3-6 Assistant / 0-3 Assistant or Head guide in Matsusaka, Mie, Japan
We are seeking trained guides trained from MACTE-accredited programs.
• Acorn Class (ages 1.5-3) – Montessori Guide
• Pinecone Class (ages 3-6) – Assistant
• Bachelor’s Degree
• Native English speaker (or high level of fluency, including in written expression)
• Montessori Diploma
• Willingness to work for at least 3 years
• Ability to be flexible and willing to learn as our school offers a very specific service for a specific demographic with regards to the English language.
-Ability to communicate well even across language barriers in a respectful way.
-Is open-minded about living in a foreign country
• Able to use ‘Transparent Classroom’ and basic computing skills
• Strong organizational skills
• 2 years of classroom experience
・Familiar with the principles of Positive Discipline
・Able to drive a car
・Speaks and Reads basic Japanese
Please send a cover letter and CV or resume to happytreeinternational@gmail.
Please include:
• Montessori Training Centre where Diploma was received (and a copy of diploma)
• Date of graduation
• Age level of qualifications
• Current and previous school(s)
• Number of years employed, and position held in each job
• Names and contact details of at least two references. All applications will be treated confidentially and references will only be contacted after the initial communication with you.
• Only short-listed candidates who meet the above requirements will be contacted.